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Toads and tadpoles, the story of a small publisher.

Writer: Fosca CreolaFosca Creola

It is really true that no one is a prophet in his homeland.

This project is making me discover realities of the area where I live that I could not even remotely imagine.

One of these is "il Babi editore", the small independent publishing house of "Murder under the Dome, the" Noir Nuares "mentioned in the article" What do you do? I… tell stories ”.

The Babi promotes love for our territory in its own way. I talk about it with Enrico Marone, the publisher:

“I am originally from Vercelli and for our publishing house we have chosen a Vercelli dialect word which means toad. The reason is obvious: the toad is a "hybrid" animal. It can live on land, in water and with long jumps, even almost to fly. In short, it moves well in different worlds and we liked it a lot.

The publishing house's motto is "the art of writing towards a new world", because we come from the world of environmental protection.

The publishing house's motto is "the art of writing towards a new world", because we come from the world of environmental protection. 

So much so that from the year of birth (2016) and for three years, we have published a magazine entitled "Sustainable Living in Upper Piedmont". The magazine reported monthly on the environmental sustainability of the Piedmontese activities, not only productive.

After this wonderful experience, however, we began to publish books. This is also thanks to the network of contacts in the area that the magazine has brought us and which has allowed us to meet also excellent authors. We have persevered in proposing an innovative vision of the world we live, telling, thanks to them, a different Italy, a way of life that brings to light old knowledge and new visions.

Our books talk about diversity, acceptance, change, open-mindedness, naturalness and nature, rediscovered vital rhythms, people, spirituality. Our catalog is varied and never closed on a specific topic or area. After all, knowledge is like this, everything is interconnected and ignoring a part risks not to understood the whole.

We are also partly back to publishing a magazine, but only online. "Natureat Magazine", born from the idea of ​​personal chef Patrizia Saccente, is a real "Visual Magazine" with many plant-based recipes, to bring you to know and use a conscious diet that respects nature and its rhythms.

We have an upcoming book. Partisan stories seen by the protagonist, written by a local partisan named Franco Pastore, who passed away a few months ago. The “day by day life” of those who have chosen to leave everything to "climb the mountains" and fight to defend the freedoms of all. These are the story of what it meant to live in clandestinity, to hide, to escape, but also of the strong bonds of friendship and brotherhood that were born with that choice.

Another project concerns “I Girini”: small flexible and extroverted books, which will take you to a new world with simplicity, competence and imagination. At the moment only digital, but soon also paper, on demand. They will range from poetry to art, to sustainability. A light approach for those who do not feel like facing the reading of "thicker" books.

Hop on our site, we would be really happy "

Il Babi EditoreVicolo Lanca 11 – 28021 BorgomaneroNovara – Italy –

Chiamaci: 3389261545



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